
A report on the state of the union of racial and ethnic, health-related social needs (HRSN), behavioral and mental health, maternal and child health disparities within the New England region for Medicaid populations.

Learn more about what we found.

Author: Siftwell Team

While New England states are often seen as a hub for high-quality healthcare – being home to prestigious medical academia, world-renowned hospitals, and high state-by-state rankings for healthcare – we don’t often hear of the experiences of all residents in this region.

This report uncovers a concerning number of healthcare disparities among New England’s Medicaid population, revealing that people on or eligible for Medicaid face unequal quality and access to care based on race, sexual orientation, disability status, and more. Notable inequities exist in mental healthcare, maternal and child health, and access to preventative health services. The report reflects the perceptions of the Medicaid-eligible population and their experiences regarding health equity.

Everyone, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ability, deserves affordable, high-quality care to live a happy and healthy life. To its core, that’s why Medicaid was born.  Collectively, we’re all working towards that goal by identifying the region’s most significant problems and barriers. This report provides healthcare providers and payers a blueprint to enhance care and accessibility for high-risk populations. Amplifying the voices of those experiencing these inequities, healthcare providers and payers have an opportunity to address and resolve these barriers, ensuring fair and accessible care for all.

Download to see what we found → Siftwell 2024 Medicaid-Eligible Health Equity Index: New England